Saturday 8 December 2012

I heart Christmas TAG....

There's always TAG video's flying about on Youtube and I came across the 'I heart Christmas' tag and thought it was a fun one to do. However I've changed a few questions up, here we go:

1- What do you want for Christmas?

* Daniel Craig? haha I wish! Mainly just make up things I think. I have a 'wish list' on Pinterest :P

2 - Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?

* Always on Christmas day, I don't think I'd like to open any on Christmas Eve

3 - What is your favourite Holiday drink form Starbucks?

* This is the first year that I've ever tried a Christmas coffee from starbucks thanks to my little cousin. I'm now addicted to Toffee Nut Latte's

4 - What is your favourite Christmas film?

* Oooh this is a tough one, I have two faves: The Grinch and Scrooged

5- Is your Christmas tree real or fake?

* We always have a fake tree

6- What do you do on Christmas Eve?

* This completely depends on whether I'm working or not. If I'm not then I usually go out for coffee/food with friends, then home shower and PJ's and stick on a Christmas film

7- Do you have any Christmas traditions?

* Not really. Usually on Christmas morning my sister comes down to our house with my niece and nephew and we all open presents. Then she either comes back down for Christmas dinner or for Christmas Tea

8- What is your favourite Christmas song?

* I love 'Last Christmas' by Wham

9- What is your favourite Christmas food?

* Definitely Turkey....and Chocolate. Not together though, that'd just be wrong!

10- What is your favourite thing about Christmas?

* Spending time with my Family and seeing my niece and nephew get all excited that Santa has been <3

TAG you're it! Why not give this tag a go?

Thanks for reading :)

S xx

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